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This package provides the MobyGames class, which facilitates interaction with various endpoints of MobyGames API.


To instantiate the MobyGames class, provide your valid MobyGames API key:

keystringYesYour MobyGames API key

Throws exceptions

The package throws exceptions in two key scenarios:

  • key

  • Response.ok

    For more information about the ok property, refer to the official documentation:

Best Practices

When making requests with this package, we strongly recommend using try-catch blocks to gracefully handle potential exceptions arising from asynchronous operations. This practice promotes application stability and provides opportunities for informative error messaging.

interface MobyGamesErrorCause {
status: number;
json: {
code: number;
error: string;
message: string;
try {
const client = new MobyGames('access token');
const { cover_groups } = await client.gamePlatformCovers('120555', '141');
} catch (error: unknown) {
if (error instanceof RangeError) {
// Handle errors based on the response status
if ((error.cause as MobyGamesErrorCause).status === 401) {
console.log('Received Unauthorized response');
} else {
console.error('Caught other error type:', error);