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GET /v4/artwork/types

This method returns a list of artwork status records. For official documentation of the endpoint, please refer to the Swagger documentation.


This method does not require any parameters.


import { TheTVDB } from '@untidy/thetvdb';
const client = new TheTVDB('access token');
const data = await client.artworkTypes();
Successful response output
status: 'success',
data: [
id: 1,
name: 'Banner',
recordType: 'series',
slug: 'banners',
imageFormat: 'JPG',
width: 758,
height: 140,
thumbWidth: 758,
thumbHeight: 140,
id: 2,
name: 'Poster',
recordType: 'series',
slug: 'posters',
imageFormat: 'JPG',
width: 680,
height: 1000,
thumbWidth: 340,
thumbHeight: 500,
// ...