Getting Started
Use your preferred package manager
npm install @untidy/thetvdb
pnpm add @untidy/thetvdb
yarn add @untidy/thetvdb
Making your first API request
To get started, simply create an instance of the class with your API token:
import { TheTVDB } from '@untidy/thetvdb';
const client = new TheTVDB('access token');
Then, call any of the available methods to retrieve data from TheTVDB API. In this case, we retrieve specific character information:
const data = await client.characterById('64140522');
Successful response output
{ status: 'success', data: { id: 64140522, name: 'Spike Spiegel', peopleId: 7916957, seriesId: 76885, series: { name: 'カウボーイビバップ', image: '', year: '1998' }, movie: null, movieId: null, episodeId: null, type: 3, image: '', sort: 1, isFeatured: true, url: '', nameTranslations: [], overviewTranslations: [], aliases: [], peopleType: 'Actor', personName: 'Kouichi Yamadera', tagOptions: [], personImgURL: '' }}
That’s it! You have now made your first request. For more documentation, please check the API section.